Different ways of testing exceptions in Java and JUnit

An exception is an event that occurs during the execution of a program that disrupts the normal flow of instructions.Java programming language provides exceptions to deal with errors and other exceptional events in the code. The biggest advantage of exceptions is that they simply allow you to separate error-handling code from regular code. This improves the robustness and readability of programs created in Java.

Java provides several techniques to effectively work with exceptions:
try, catch, and finally − to handle exceptions,
try-with-resources statement − to work with resources,
throw/throws − to throw and declare exceptions respectively.

In JUnit, we may employ many techniques for testing exceptions including:
"Old school"try-catch idiom
@Test annotation with expected element
– JUnit ExpectedException rule
– Lambda expressions (Java 8+)

Continue reading to find out which technique is best for you.

Code to be tested

Throughout the article different examples will be presented. The below class will be used in most of them. It provides simple methods throwing exceptions, either checked or unchecked:

  • Thrower − containing several methods that throw some exceptions
public class Thrower {
    public void throwsRuntime() {
        throw new MyRuntimeException();

    public void throwsRuntimeWithCause() {
        throw new MyRuntimeException(new IllegalStateException("Illegal state"));

    public void throwsRuntimeWithCode(int code) {
        throw new MyRuntimeException(code);

    public void throwsRuntimeInsteadOfChecked() throws MyCheckedException {
        throw new MyRuntimeException();

All examples can be found in my GitHub repository.

A bit of history

In JUnit 3 and in JUnit 4 − before ExpectedException rule was introduced − the best way to test exceptions was by using standard classical try-catch idiom in a unit test:

public void throwsException() {
    try {
        Assert.fail("Expected exception to be thrown");
    } catch (MyRuntimeException e) {
            .hasMessage("My custom runtime exception");

The above test will fail when no exception is thrown and the exception itself is verified in a catch clause. This solution is perfectly fine, but it has some drawbacks. Firstly, extra code needs to be created; we always need to remember to fail the test if no exception is thrown (otherwise nothing happens and the test will pass). And finally, if other than expected exception is thrown the test will fail but not with the assertion error as we would expect. For example, the following test:

public void throwsDifferentExceptionThanExpected() {
    try {
        Assert.fail("Expected exception to be thrown");
    } catch (MyCheckedException e) {
            .hasMessage("My custom checked exception");

will fail with the message:

c.g.k.e.MyRuntimeException: My custom runtime exception
    at c.g.k.e.Thrower.throwsRuntimeInsteadOfChecked(Thrower.java:21)

@Test annotation

The simplest way to verify exceptions in JUnit (4+) tests, that requires (almost) no additional code, comes with@Test annotation and expected element. The example shows how simple the solution is:

public class ExpectedTest {

    private Thrower thrower = new Thrower();

    @Test(expected = MyRuntimeException.class)
    public void throwsException() { // will pass
        System.out.println("I am here!"); // never gets executed

    @Test(expected = MyCheckedException.class) // will fail
    public void throwsDifferentExceptionThanExpected() throws MyCheckedException {

    @Test(expected = MyRuntimeException.class)
    public void noExceptionThrown() { // will fail


    @Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
    public void misleading() { // will pass
        thrower.throwsRuntime(); // assume this is an unexpected exception
        throw new RuntimeException(); // never executed!

This approach to testing exceptions in JUnit code is a really simple, built-in, not much code but… We need to be quite careful about using @Test annotation: there is way to verify the message or the cause which may lead to quite unexpected behaviour like in the misleading method in the above example.

But fortunately there is a better solution!

Introducing ExpectedException rule

In JUnit, rules (@Rule) can be used as an alternative or an addition to fixture setup and
cleanup methods: @Before, @After, @BeforeClass, and @AfterClass. ExpectedException rule is meant for verification that code throws a specific exception. The rule must be declared as public field annotated with @Rule annotation:

public class Junit4RuleExceptionsTest {
    public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();

To properly use a ExpectedException rule we need to add expectations to it before execution of the test method. Note that adding a rule does not affect tests that are not using it which means you may have tests that use rule and ones that don’t. In addition, the rule may be reused − we don’t need to create separate rules for different tests.

In the below example, we verify the type and message of an exception.

public void verifiesTypeAndMessage() {
    thrown.expectMessage("My custom runtime exception");


If the expected exception is not thrown a valid assertion error will be thrown by JUnit with a descriptive message:

Expected: (an instance of c.g.k.e.MyRuntimeException and exception with message a string containing "My custom runtime exceptions")
     but: exception with message a string containing "Something else" message was "My custom runtime exception"

As you may see, the code is much more readable. We are also sure that if other type of exception is thrown the rule will record that and inform us the same way. So the previous example will look much simpler now:

public void throwsDifferentExceptionThanExpected() throws MyCheckedException {
    thrown.expectMessage("Expected exception to be thrown");


and it will fail with a message:

Expected: (an instance of c.g.k.e.MyCheckedException and exception with message a string containing "Expected exception to be thrown")
     but: an instance of c.g.k.e.MyCheckedException  is a c.g.k.e.MyRuntimeException

And if there is no exception thrown:

public void doesNotThrowExpectedException() {
    // the below line is optional
    thrown.reportMissingExceptionWithMessage("No exception of %s thrown"); 

the message will be:


java.lang.AssertionError: No exception of type an instance of c.g.k.e.MyRuntimeException thrown
    at org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:88)

What can I do more with ExpectedException?

What is more,the ExpectedException rule provide us methods to verify exceptions in a more sophisticated way using Hamcrest matchers. Hamcrest provides a library of matcher objects and it works great with JUnit. If you work with Maven or Gradle JUnit depends on Hamcrest so Hamcest will be in the classpath.

Verify the message with either built-in Hamcrest matcher

import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.startsWith;

public void verifiesMessageStartsWith() {
    thrown.expectMessage(startsWith("My custom runtime"));


We can verify the cause with a custom Hamcrest matchers:

public void verifiesCauseTypeAndAMessage() {
    thrown.expectCause(new MyCauseMatcher(IllegalStateException.class, "Illegal state"));


whereas MyCauseMatcher is as follows:

class MyCauseMatcher extends TypeSafeMatcher {

    private final Class<? extends Throwable> expectedType;
    private final String expectedMessage;

    public MyCauseMatcher(Class<? extends Throwable> expectedType, 
                            String expectedMessage) {
        this.expectedType = expectedType;
        this.expectedMessage = expectedMessage;

    protected boolean matchesSafely(Throwable item) {
        return item.getClass().isAssignableFrom(expectedType)
            && item.getMessage().contains(expectedMessage);

    public void describeTo(Description description) {
        description.appendText("expects type ")
                   .appendText(" and a message ")

I usually used built-in matchers as they provide most of the basic and more advanced matchers. Custom matchers can be used for some special cases like for example verifying more complex exception objects with come custom fields etc.


AssertJ − Fluent assertions for Java − provides a rich set of assertions with helpful error messages. With AssertJ (3+) and Java 8 testing exceptions is much easier than before. The idea is to pass a Java 8 @FunctionalInterface whose instances can be created with lambda expressions, method references, or constructor references to an assertion method that will capture the exception and return an assertion object. Let’s see an example:

public void verifiesTypeAndMessage() {
    assertThatThrownBy(new Thrower()::throwsRuntime) // method reference
            // assertions
            .hasMessage("My custom runtime exception")

assertThrown is a static factory method creating a new instance of ThrowableAssertion with a reference to caught exception. ThrowableAssertion if further used to verify the exception.

We can also pass lambda expressions directly to the method:

public void verifiesCauseType() {
    assertThatThrownBy(() -> new Thrower().throwsRuntimeWithCause())
            .hasMessage("My custom runtime exception")

AssertJ also supports a so called AAA style, if you wish to distinguish act and assert phases of the test for improving readability:

public void aaaStyle() {
    // arrange
    Thrower Thrower = new Thrower();

    // act
    Throwable throwable = catchThrowable(Thrower::throwsRuntime);

    // assert
            .hasMessage("My custom runtime exception");

In my opinion testing exceptions with AssertJ and Java 8 is one of the cleanest solutions so far. It is really easy to write and read. Comparing to ExpectedException rule it does not require to define any public field that may not be used in many tests in the class. In addition, the standard assertions offered by the library are enough for many cases. And if not, you can easily create custom ones.

Going native?

If you are reluctant to use 3rd party libraries like AssertJ, you may write your own Java 8 style exception handling code. It is not that hard. You may find a pretty good example here: http://blog.codeleak.pl/2014/07/junit-testing-exception-with-java-8-and-lambda-expressions.html


There is no single and best way to test exceptions in JUnit. The technique chosen depends on the code to be tested. For basic cases standard @Test annotation may be utilized. For more complex scenarios,ExpectedException can be employed as it is also very simple but much more powerful than @Testannotation. Built-in or custom Hamcrest matchers offer some possibilities for creating better tests.

As of Java 8, I am in favour of AssertJ’s way of testing exceptions. I find it really clear (e.g. I don’t need to introduce an additional public field that may be used or not), easy to write (in most cases one liners) and really powerful (great built-in matchers plus extensible with easy to write custome ones).

Since in all my tests I employ AssertJ I don’t see any reason for not using it for testing exceptions in JUnit.

And how do you test exceptions in your Java / JUnit code?

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  1. This is an awesome introduction on the different techniques for testing exceptions with Junit. But which technique would you advocate the best for Android unit testing?

    1. Igor, let me answer your question.

      First and for now, as Java 8 is unfortunately not available for Android developers, you have to stick to good old JUnit4 + ExpectedException pattern. While not as neat as functional interfaces, the test code is still pretty clean.
      But more importantly, I have great news for you: in the end of 2015 Google announced an intention to move from the discontinued Apache Harmony to OpenJDK Java implementation with Android N. This means introducing all the virtues of Java 8, mainly functional programming, to the Android world. When it happens, the latest AssertJ patterns presented by Rafal will also become available for Android developers.

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