productive while working from home

How to stay productive while working from home

The current situation has forced us to adapt to remote work overnight. You may think that working from home is a great thing: you are with your family all the … Continue reading “How to stay productive while working from home”

Body Composition App

The Body Composition App was created for the Dutch Olympic Committee to provide body measurements for athletes in different disciplines. Based on given input, the application provides data that helps … Continue reading “Body Composition App”

OAuth vs OIDC vs SAML. Security Battle Royale

A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history – with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. – Mitch Ratliff In order to fully … Continue reading “OAuth vs OIDC vs SAML. Security Battle Royale”

Innovation will come especially when we don’t expect it

Change is never cheap or easy, says Ronald Binkofski, General Manager, CEE Multicountry CIS. Service providers, such as Microsoft and Goyello, must help their partners go through this process, even … Continue reading “Innovation will come especially when we don’t expect it”

Check what 5 features you need to excel at teamwork

Almost every job advertisement has “teamwork” in the list of requirements. In almost every CV you can spot “teamwork” as one of its owner’s key skills. Is teamwork becoming new … Continue reading “Check what 5 features you need to excel at teamwork”

The most misunderstood design pattern – Object Pool

Have you ever heard about Object Pooling? If you are a software developer then probably you have. It is usually described as a design pattern that allows you to decrease … Continue reading “The most misunderstood design pattern – Object Pool”

Magic Strings – No More!

How many times have you had to work with some Legacy code? Was it readable? Silly question… But what was the main problem? If the code was written in an … Continue reading “Magic Strings – No More!”

Clean Code – Is my code always readable?

Did you ever have to go back to a fragment of code that you wrote a month or year ago? How did it feel? Was it easy or did you … Continue reading “Clean Code – Is my code always readable?”

Are company meetings useless?

The company life is all about communication be it direct, face-to-face or virtual and remote with colleagues, clients and company partners. Have you ever counted how many meetings you attend … Continue reading “Are company meetings useless?”

Why do we need Open Source frameworks?

The purpose of using widely available frameworks is surprisingly not always clear to everyone. Some even prefer not to use any framework at all. Obviously for some it may be  … Continue reading “Why do we need Open Source frameworks?”