Get ready for infoShare 2014 and grab an official infoShare mobile app made by Goyello

IT specialists know that we have at least one thing in common with professional physicians — in order to stay up-to-date we need to constantly devour tons of books, articles and industry news. One year away from the latest IT developments may mean out of the business. But there’s nothing as valuable as live meetings with the best people in the industry, and this is what IT conferences are about.

infoShare 2014 is coming to town

We’re lucky to have one of the most prestigious IT conferences just round the corner: infoShare has been held here in Gdansk since 2007 and we see it constantly growing. This year, during the two days of May 22nd and 23rd, the event will gather over 2500 attendees and 60 speakers from all around the globe and will take place at an amazing site of Amber Expo and the PGE Arena Stadium. This year’s highlight will be the Startup Zone – a special area for start-ups and investors created in cooperation with the Gdansk Entrepreneurship Incubator STARTER.

The conference is literally at your fingertips

Thanks to several successful deployments of our 21event mobile conference platform in the past, Goyello has been asked to develop an official infoShare 2014 conference app. This time we decided to hugely revamp existing iOS and Android apps’ core & UI and to use all the latest & greatest frameworks, tools and techniques. The Windows Phone app already used the latest cool stuff.

Download the app NOW!

You can find the new app for Android, iPhone and Windows Phone in the different stores:

The technology used

On the Android side, we leveraged power behind the latest AndroidAnnotations 3.1 paired with Spring for Android; we used the newest Android 4.4 widgets, like native sliding menu and swipe refresh components, and made it available to virtually all the fragmented Android smartphone world down to a version of 2.3 thanks to a tremendous piece of code made by Google — compatibility support libraries. The whole app is nicely packaged using gradle — build automation framework, where adding dependencies is as straightforward as writing a single line of configuration code.

In the iOS area, the refresh included switching to storyboards  for easier UI flow implementation, using AutoLayouts that simplify component positioning and alignment, CocoaPods as a dependency manager, ReactiveCocoa for streamlining asynchronous calls with signals, and AFNetworking that enables abstracting REST interfaces.

Last but not least: our UX/UI designers have created nice looking and really intuitive interface that keeps pace with the latest trends in mobile user interaction design. By using touch, swipe and pinch gestures we let a user discover app features and play with it.

Here’s the final result:

infoShare mobile app

Meet Goyello at the conference

As a golden sponsor, Goyello will be present in many areas of the conference. Our CEO — Peter Horsten — will hold a session describing one of Goyello’s latest and best-kept secrets: how to better spend company social marketing budget by precisely targeting your audience (Thursday at 14:00). What is more, there will be an exclusive workshop on Friday for those interested in our social media marketing solution, FanTuner (register for the workshop here  or contact us directly as you won’t find it in the official line-up). Our crew will also be available at our stand on the ground floor, so come to infoShare 2014, find us and let’s have a real chat!

And on a practical note: the conference entrance is free, and you get our special workshop also for free!  So be there or be square!