E-Scan – How a dissertation topic developed into a fully working solution

Taking over applications is always a challenging task. You need to get the most information possible from the former developer, if they are still available. Then you often realise that … Continue reading “E-Scan – How a dissertation topic developed into a fully working solution”

Nice, useful, or moral? What basic rules every product designer has to follow?

UX and Product Designer at Goyello Aleksander Rychwalski discusses basic rules every product designer has to follow. Alek, you have to admit that designers often hear the following words: “Make … Continue reading “Nice, useful, or moral? What basic rules every product designer has to follow?”

Top five business and IT-related topics to focus on in 2016

Business and technology are becoming more and more linked to one another. As we put it: “Every company is an IT company these days.” That is why most of recent … Continue reading “Top five business and IT-related topics to focus on in 2016”