Levels of Conflicts

Conflicts are an inseparable part of life and we cannot escape their constructive or destructive effects on us. That’s why it is important for us to know how to deal … Continue reading “Levels of Conflicts”

The power of feedback

The word feedback has become extremely popular nowadays. Still, most of us probably think of feedback as criticism in situations related to work life and react nervously to it. The … Continue reading “The power of feedback”

Changing our attitude changes us 

It has been quite some time since I heard the wise story that I have shared in this blog. I do not remember when or from whom I got to … Continue reading “Changing our attitude changes us “

Nonviolent Communication

Have you ever wondered why it happens so often that even if we speak the same language, we don’t understand each other? Worse, our communication induces quarrels, and instead of … Continue reading “Nonviolent Communication”