TestingCup 2020 – was it worth it?

TestingCup, the Polish Championship in Software Testing, this event has been taking place since 2013. This is a unique event on a global scale, which can be faced by everyone … Continue reading “TestingCup 2020 – was it worth it?”

books about software testing

3 books about software testing you must read

There are many books on software testing. As a result, choosing a valuable book is very difficult. I would like to introduce to you three books related to the topic … Continue reading “3 books about software testing you must read”

The Future of Software Testing

The Future of Software Testing

Anticipating the future is very difficult, if not impossible. It’s even more complicated in IT because technology and equipment are changing day by day. We have faster processors and more … Continue reading “The Future of Software Testing”

After Global Game Jam 2020

Global Game Jam is a global marathon, which aims to integrate participants by creating computer games. Its first edition took place in 2009 and each year attracts more and more … Continue reading “After Global Game Jam 2020”

Shift-Left Approach to Software Testing

The shift-left approach to software development means shifting the testing process to the left, i.e. to the earliest possible phase. We use it, especially when working in an Agile way, … Continue reading “Shift-Left Approach to Software Testing”

After the PTaQ Day One Conference

On March 30, the first full-day conference was organized by the Poznań test community that works on creating the PTaQ meetup every day. The popularity of this type of events … Continue reading “After the PTaQ Day One Conference”

Better testing thanks to better education. After the testerzy.pl conference

Testerzy.pl conference is a new event on the Polish map of tester meetings. The first edition took place on March 1 in the Gdańsk Science and Technology Park, which is … Continue reading “Better testing thanks to better education. After the testerzy.pl conference”

Testing is in our DNA. After the test:fest 2019 conference

Every edition of the test:fest conference in Wrocław sets the bar high for all other events taking place throughout the year. This is a good information for all participants because … Continue reading “Testing is in our DNA. After the test:fest 2019 conference”