Fluent Automated Testing

It is pretty common these days to use Selenium and NUnit or any other unit testing framework to create an automated regression solutions. If you are not familiar with this it’s basically cantered around automating/simulating tester using your application and confirming case by case with certain steps and assertions that a particular functionality works as expected. If you have ever used this approach, you may have noticed that it’s fairly simple to start with. While the beginning is simple, after some time you may potentially reach hundreds or thousands of tests. If your test cases growth isn’t approached very carefully you may end up in the same situation one of my projects did.

Let me sketch the scenario and approach which unfortunately led us to our EFM point – Edge of Feasible Maintainability. The automation team for our solution was built of 6 testers and 2 supporting developers. We knew we couldn’t just start coding and some of us were aware that a lot of large automation endeavours end up way past EFM point without even realizing it, which is just as bad as it sounds. In order to shield us from the possibility of such a scenario, my fellow developers with their team of testers prepared the plan in which they:

  • Focused on utilizing Page Object Pattern (You can read more about it in Anton Angelov’s great article here).
  • Agreed on peer reviews and weekly analysis of progress and state of solution.


watch itDespite their preparations, after some time reality checked in: code has been written, hundreds of classes created, all obviously trying to utilize some common features and the SOLID principles. Unfortunately, at a certain point it has become clear that testers get confused and are losing grasp of the big picture. The solution was growing and so was its complexity at the cost of maintainability. Luckily, we have realized in time that we are headed straight at the EFM point. If our project was a large enterprise ship, EFM was our iceberg. Thanks to the quick feedback form supporting devs and testers themselves we realized what was happening and scheduled an evasive maneuver meeting (well, more than one really). My goal was to help and find root causes of our situation and rectify it with a clear and simple solution guaranteeing maintainability for years to come.

So let me break down my thought process there:

In our automation solution I have noticed a lot of “attempts” at SOLID coding. We had to face the facts at this point – writing a SOLID code is simple and complicated at the same time and it may take a few development-focused years of experience to fully grasp what it is all about. Not all of our testers possessed this deep understanding of SOLID code foundations. So attempts at reusability were flawed with misassumptions. Clearly reviews didn’t pick up on this. As it turned out: while it’s easy to confirm that particular reviewed code itself looks good in its close context, it’s much more difficult to assess if it fits into overall code base without being familiar with most of this code base.

So at this point it became clear that a meaningful solid reusable code could not be achieved with the soul help of reviewers. There was a clear need for some kind of architectural pattern which would enforce right solutions to common problems. The goals of this pattern were to:

  • Achieve a standardized mind set. So all of our testers can understand each other’s code and reuse it wisely.
  • Show a clear way of dealing with common problems.

I needed an architecture in which some well-known and accepted testing pattern will be enforced. I also had to allow enough flexibility so that our complex enterprise solution can actually be automated using this type of restrictive architecture. So a kind of a sweet spot between a set of restrictions and flexibility had to be achieved. I remembered seeing some good test case examples based on the triple A principle saying that each test should be composed of 3 stages – Arrange -> Act -> Assert. This is the kind of clear separation I like in software so I started with this assumption in my head. I could also recall using some pretty cool pattern called “fluent API” which could potentially be helpful here. I decided to enforce triple A principle with the help of a fluent API pattern. Once I reviewed my assumptions I was able to create a working prototype with the help of anonymous methods and some generics C# magic. Here is basic example of what I have managed to create:


[Some attributes helping inject test data from xml]
public void RegistrationTest(RegistrationTestData data)
        .Arrange<RegistrationPage>(page =>
        .Asert(page =>
        ... Then potentially if test requires it
        .ContinueAt<SomeOtherPage>(page =>
            // Some steps on page 2
        .Assert(page =>
            // some assertions on page 2
        ... etc


While the triple A approach was a good foundation, at this point we only had a frame for it. More had to be done to achieve readability and ease analysis of each test case in future code reviews. I am sure you have noticed each line in the “Arrange” phase is using .Do. actions and the “Assert” phase is using .Assert. methods. In our initial approach we have utilized a page per object approach in which there was a class with properties for every DOM element on the page and methods to act on them and assert some assumptions. For the complex pages this effectively yield classes with hundreds of lines of code, both hard to maintain and understand. To fix this potential mess I have come up with a section based approach to minimize the per class code amount. I have also created the concept of ActionControler and AssertControler. There are a few guidelines that had to be followed here:

  • A page only consists of properties defining its sections.
  • Each section contains a property defining its Action and Assertion controller and obviously a property per DOM element it contains.
  • Action controllers only consist of Arrange-Act methods so any clicking, selecting, submitting methods.
  • Assertion controllers would only validate content as per test case requirements.

What is worth noticing is that for this architecture to flourish it is of crucial importance that pages are properly separated into sections – if sections are based on their capabilities correctly architecture will force code to be separated correctly and triple A fluent API will be readable and verbose. We would decide on section separation on meetings held weekly instead of allowing a single person to create it to avoid potential havoc.

Moving on, at this point we have hidden details of each action and assertion in a well named methods. After all we are not interested in details unless we need to change something in them so it’s best to hide them in lower levels but still just a click away each. The most important thing in maintainability is simplicity which I think was achieve at this point.

quality gearsObviously the “Do not repeat yourself” – DRY principle had to be addressed. It is clear that we will have tests that pretty much do the same things with some alterations. My solution is the Action-Pack concept. Basically, action packs are just arrays of delegate based classes. I have added a T4 template which would be automatically invoked and able to generate a partial classes expanding our Action controllers. The template would use reflection to add some extra properties to ActionControllers, all suffixed with the (…)Action word for each controller method. So if an action controller would contain a FillAddressFields() method, it would now also get the FillAddressFieldsAction property which we could use to define reusable action packs like these:


ActionPack userAndAddressDataFillingActionPack = ActionPack.FromSteps(


Once defined we could use this action pack instead of listing each set of repeating steps, thus making our test cases smaller but still maintaining verbosity which was one of the main goals of this architecture. You may have noticed I am using Page.Get… here. Get is a locator method that will use dependency injector to resolve particular page and its dependencies so we can access a section of this page and by extension each section action definition.

So let’s list a few advantages of this approach:

  • Actual test case files are written and composed in a very verbose way, it really doesn’t require a dev knowledge to know what each test is doing so mistakes in assumptions are easy to notice and possibly could even be analyzed by business people if extracted to a pdf or word format.
  • Logic for each tests is separated in sections so it’s difficult to create spaghetti methods.
  • Reusability is provided via action packs: if we repeat dozen of steps in a few tests – just need to create an action pack with a descriptive name and use it in each test case.     

It is now months since we have introduced this approach and while some things had to be adjusted, main concept was well received by our testers and is serving its purpose – keeping our solution maintainable and verbose even once we have passed our thousand test cases point! Next step will be adding some automated documentation building also based on T4 so that we can have a living documentation spread into sections. Documentation will be generated, mostly based on attributes and xml comments decorating test cases. You will be able to read more about how this can be achieved in my next article.

Do not hesitate to leave your comments and share any thoughts you may have on this subject.

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  1. I’m sorry but it feels like you came up with an over-complicated solution to a non-problem. There’s no way to work around people not being able to understand what they are doing. Just fire them and hire someone who can. There’s no way “very verbose” tests containing words like “userAndAddressDataFillingActionPack” can be “mistakes in assumptions are easy to notice”.

    The way you enforce AAA rule with C# code is… hmm… just make a VS code snippet that consists of 3 sections defined in comments and punish everyone who does not comply.
    The way you compose actions is another way of defining methods. Why don’t just define methods?

    Look into BDD and tools like spec-flow. Hire at least one person smart enough to not lat you make such technical decisions as the one you describe here.

    Sorry for not agreeing with you again.

    1. Hello, it’s ok to disagree – if we would all think of same
      solutions we’d be in danger of being replaced by scripts one day and no one
      wants that! 🙂 I can see you must have come across similar problems and solved
      them in a bit different ways which is ok, whatever worked for you was probably
      best decision in your projects. I am aware of BDD and really like it but it didn’t
      seem like the right solution for our set of problems. BDD is great in fresh
      clearly defined and understood solutions which unfortunately was not the case
      for us. We had to quickly and efficiently cover a poorly documented large
      enterprise system. I have identified problems and came up with best solution I
      could think of. And just as with your projects, I am sure – it worked perfectly
      and I haven’t heard the word “complicated” from anyone using it
      including junior testers with little knowledge of patterns. This article is
      also supposed to show the thoughts flow of architecting solution to a set of
      problems. I admit it was intended for a bit more advanced crowd so this is why
      some parts may seem complex when I describe them but the end result is a joy to
      use and protect us from all the mistakes we have been making with other
      approaches we have tried earlier. So to sum up – I am sure our problems could
      have been resolved in other ways but this one didn’t took long to introduce and
      worked so I’d count it as a success. As an architect you may choose to learn
      from my mistakes, reuse, modify or completely ignore them – that’s the beauty
      of our job – your decisions, your risk and your successes. All the best in your
      designs my friend!

      1. You argument and the article would be much more convincing if you compared your and any text-book approaches and gave some reasons why yours are better.

        Let me try to reply to some rational arguments::

        1) “BDD is great in fresh clearly defined and understood solutions” – nope. If you don’t have clearly defined and understood solution it will just mean that your specs will not be as clear. Still much better than having a lot of verbose code instead of executable spec. In every other respect specflow is not different than your solution.

        2) “We had to quickly and efficiently cover a poorly documented largeenterprise system” – implies that specflow is in any way harder to use for the purpose. Needs proof.

        4) “This article is also supposed to show the thoughts flow” – I like your flow, I just insist that it should have included detailed comparison to the text-book solution of the problem. It is a very bad sign when solution analysis to a very specific problem does not start with a long-known standards in the area.

        6) “protect us from all the mistakes” – AAA is a good idea, no argument here. You’ve an approach to enforce it. Try to compare your approach, with mine the standard one. My argument: specflow is better because it is much simpler.

        7) “this one […] worked” – I’m sorry but that’s never been an argument in computer science. It’s never about what is working. It’s always about comparing alternative costs.

        And some replies to irrational arguments:

        3) “I haven’t heard the word “complicated” from anyone using it” – that’s not what I meant, but ok

        5) “I admit it was intended for a bit more advanced crowd” – that’s an illegal move, but I excuse you 😉

        8) “As an architect” – please tell me that there’s no dedicated “architect” role in your project!?

        Good day to you sir,
        I hope you next reply contains more rational and less irrational arguments 😉

        1. So one of main advantages of BDD and specflow like tools would be finding common language between testers/devs and business people with deep understanding of their domain. It is essentially a communication booster. Business people have to come up with recipes for certain actions. A LOT of complex recipes because we are doing integration tests mostly so for example: do some things in portal X pay for them, then in portal Y cancel payment, then in portal Z do some amendments and trigger an automated refound (this is most complex test – most are a to b but still fairly complex)

          Writing specs requires business people full attention and understanding of all aspects of our domain – we do not have this. A lot of core knowledge is held between very few very busy people (company grew very quick and architects got promoted to directors etc…) I can imagine ours, is a fairly common situation in enterprise/government solutions.

          In our world devs are working out things with some help of BAs and Architects – we have over a year head start on our automated regression team. So testers are now working with our help and trying to get our solution regression tests in place – we explain how to click through some scenarios and what they should expect. They code steps and write assertions – we try to guide them to get this regression done in time for our more advanced refactoring and possibly continuous integration introduction (can’t do it without decent regression suit).

          I agree with you 100% a lot of the time spec flow is just the only right way – but often in real life of non-green field projects this is simply not possible – remember that software solutions is not just best practices, there is money, people and politics involved and your great ideas will be blocked and there is nothing you can do except quitting. I don’t like quitting so I work out solutions with what I have, to get me and my teams to where business wants us to be = sometimes choosing a middle ground.

          I know you expect a concrete / fact based answer which I like about you but the best I can give you is my judgement call motivators as rarely things are black and white and there is a right and wrong solution. Still I will try:

          You use BDD and SpecFlow like tools when:

          – You have a reliable business knowledge holders

          – You need/want to boost communication between business and dev department

          – You pretty much use it whenever you can – this should be default choice if reality allows

          You could use my approach when:

          – Business is unwilling or unable to quickly provide specs

          – There are no specs and teams are learning product while on tight deadlines – my approach gives a lot of the same results as BDD but doesn’t require a common language with business, just a limited support in crucial matters

          To sum up – BDD+SpecFlow should be everyone’s first choice but when enterprise live gets a bit difficult and you still need results my approach can get you there quicker without additional overhead.

          I hope this explains a bit possible use scenario

          Have a good one!

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