The 6 main qualities that make a Manager a good one

Recently, I attended a workshop for Managers.  I learned what qualities are required to be a successful manager. Of course, each industry needs its own domain knowledge but on top of this specific knowledge, the qualities that make someone a good manager are more or less similar. What do you think are the most important skills? What does it take to manage people efficiently and effectively and get the best out of them?

1. Good communication

This is the main and prerequisite skill. Without being able to communicate properly you can forget about the rest. In all kind of management tasks, the first and most common thing you do is communicating your needs, expectations and opinions to other people. If you don’t like working with people, you shouldn’t become a manager. Moreover, you should be able to send correct messages to others and ensure that they understand you. It is also very important what kind of power you use to persuade your views. More about the way how to communicate you can find out reading “The 7 ground rules of communication to became a good Manager”.

2. Good organization

This is the second most important skill. You have to be able to schedule, organize and follow your own plan. It also involves understanding the rules and processes in the company and among people, and predicting what will happen and when.

3. Team building

A good manager should keep his team sealed. Competition inside the team is not beneficial for the well being of its members. On the other hand, the competition between teams is very healthy and stimulating. If one team member speeds up without helping the others leaving the rest behind, the whole team is doomed to failure. A professional manager will easily notice these irregularities. He will try to heal the situation by discussing it with his team and, above all,  by listening to them. A healthy and successful team relies on trust to a large extent. If a manager systematically builds trust, the team will feel more appreciated and committed.

4. Leadership

Listening to other coworkers’ problems is not sufficient. A good manager has to solve them and prove his commitment to the team goals. It’s also his responsibility to define goals together with his team and assign the responsibility to team members in a clear manner. He has a clear vision in what direction he wants the team to grow. He should ‘infect’ others with this vision and make them follow the same direction.

5. Dealing with changes

There are several managers who exactly know the whole working process. They are doing things almost automatically. The true manager should be flexible and adaptable. He is able to react quickly when facing any obstacles. Stress shouldn’t be a factor to prevent him from making the right decisions.

6. Domain knowledge

A good manager has to understand what kind of process he is managing. How his team members are working. What kind of tasks they perform. This skill is not as important as the others but without it, in some cases, the team and the manager will never work at full capacity, using the whole potential due to lack of mutual understanding.

How to improve your management skills?

Well, this is the subject for another blog post.  I think that each person has to follow his own path to reach the ultimate goal. We are all different. Some of us communicate very well, but in stressful situations, they can lose control. Others are great leaders, they motivate teams but anyhow they fail due to the lack of organizational skills and common sense. The main question probably should be: “Why do you want to be a manager and what type of manager do you want to be?”

Peter Horsten

VP Software Development Europe for Aspire Systems. Sociologist and electrotechnical engineer, a great combination that stimulates him to look for the best working software solutions for clients. Passionate about converting great ideas into new solutions. Married and a proud father of 3 great sons. Training for and participating in triathlons/runs to stay fit.


  1. Good day ,
    We should consider following areas also :

    · strong people skills.
    · sense of fairness in dealing with people and issues.
    consistency in behavior.
    · able to control emotions and keep them out of decision making
    · believe that employees are more important to his/her and the company's success than he/she is.
    · honesty.
    · willing to seek input from employees and build consensus.
    open minded.
    · flexible.
    · well controlled egos.
    · self-confident.
    · good listeners.
    · ability to be direct when needed without being abusive or offensive.
    · sincere interest in people and their well being.
    · good perceptive/intuitive abilities.
    · good understanding of what makes people tick.
    · maturity.
    · allow others to get credit for positive outcomes.
    · understand that hiring good people is critical to their success and they do not micromanage.
    · willing to admit to their own shortcomings and mistakes and do not feel a persistent need to be right.

    Thanks and Best Regards
    Nazmul Hoque
    Alam Group Alam Group of Co.

  2. Several managers who exactly know the whole working process and keep doing things almost automatically.The true manager should be flexible and adaptable to changes.

  3. A good manager has to solve them and prove his commitment to the team goals. It’s also his responsibility to define goals together with his team and assign the responsibility to team members in a clear manner which is quite different thing to share.

    1. I agree with you. The thing that in my case is a bit different is that I don’t assign responsibilities. On project kickoff I simply ask the team members (drawing meantime on the white-board one circle for each of them) what kind of responsibilities each of them will have in this project. This seems more proactive and makes them clearly understand what are their duties.

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  5. Each person has to follow his own path to reach the ultimate goal. We are all different. Some of us communicate very well, but in stressful situations they can lose control it in every situation.

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  8. A good manager should be able to manage. I think personality and having the quality to motivate team members are the most important. This will make the team member make the extra step.

  9. Good points, but I have to disagree with #4 (Leadership). You don’t necessarily “solve” employees problems, you ask them what they think they should do. After 29 years in the USAF and leading 1,500 enlisted members in peace time and war time, there are times when you lead and they follow, then there are times to mentor, which entails your employees come to you with a possible solution to their problems. Your job as leader is NOT to solve all their problems, but to guide and lead them.

  10. i think for a good manager there are 3 very important things
    1 communicate with team
    2 customer service
    3 result oriented

  11. Good day.
    We can consider also the emotional intelligent as part of next to become strong people skills.
    because intelligent or skills is developing while you are interacting people around you or dealing
    with people inside and out the organization.

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