Goyello clients speak. Part 2 – Marcin Kleina, CEE PMO Director at Wolters Kluwer Poland

Ewa Piórko: What does your company do? What industry do you operate in and what products or services do you provide your clients with? Marcin Kleina: Wolters Kluwer is a … Continue reading “Goyello clients speak. Part 2 – Marcin Kleina, CEE PMO Director at Wolters Kluwer Poland”

Goyello experts about IT trends in practice

Our experts, Mateusz, Paulina, Paweł and Rafał, explain in what way the most popular IT trends have been employed in projects they are involved in at Goyello. LEAN Mateusz Linda, … Continue reading “Goyello experts about IT trends in practice”

7 lessons in business with André Kwakernaat: you can’t survive through innovation alone

André Kwakernaat is co-founder of Twinfield, an innovative cloud accounting software provider, which was established in 2000. In order to strengthen their international online software presence, Twinfield was acquired by … Continue reading “7 lessons in business with André Kwakernaat: you can’t survive through innovation alone”

Agile? It’s a never ending journey – interview with Andy Brandt

While Agile has been a hot topic across industries for a while now, for some organizations Agile transformation might still be a problematic issue. Does every company need Agile? Is … Continue reading “Agile? It’s a never ending journey – interview with Andy Brandt”

Goyello clients speak. Part 1 – Martijn Driessen, Entrepreneur Scan

Martijn Driessen is the founder and director of Entrepreneur Scan. After attending the Hotel Management School Maastricht, Driessen studied Business Administration, graduated and then received his doctorate with a thesis … Continue reading “Goyello clients speak. Part 1 – Martijn Driessen, Entrepreneur Scan”

10 questions – Arie de Bruin & Peter Horsten

Goyello was founded in 2006 by Arie de Bruin and Peter Horsten – two Dutch entrepreneurs with a passion for IT and business. 10 years on and Goyello is a … Continue reading “10 questions – Arie de Bruin & Peter Horsten”

The unstoppable train goes on

10 years ago our adventure began; our great leap into the unknown. Our luggage: our own ideas, motivation and energy, our hard work, trial and error, good luck and determination … Continue reading “The unstoppable train goes on”