Why do we need Open Source frameworks?

The purpose of using widely available frameworks is surprisingly not always clear to everyone. Some even prefer not to use any framework at all. Obviously for some it may be  … Continue reading “Why do we need Open Source frameworks?”

5 reasons why software developers fail in their first jobs

According to the study by Leadership IQ around 46% percent of newly-hired employees will fail within the first 2 years in the new job. By failure they mean terminations, leaving … Continue reading “5 reasons why software developers fail in their first jobs”

Image scaling browser issue. HOW TO fix it in a simple way?

Have you ever wondered why your pictures in IE or FF looks really crappy. If your answer is “yes” then read this article and learn how to fix that issue. … Continue reading “Image scaling browser issue. HOW TO fix it in a simple way?”

12 Tips How to prepare for a behavioral interview?

Nowadays, more and more employers use the behavioral interview to evaluate a candidate’s experiences and behaviors.  It is a great tool to determine the applicant’s potential for success. In my … Continue reading “12 Tips How to prepare for a behavioral interview?”

All your communication always accessible with Google Apps

We have been using Google Apps at GOYELLO for our communication and collaboration for quite a long time now. We use their mail server instead of managing our own one, … Continue reading “All your communication always accessible with Google Apps”

Time eaters at work cost € 1.56bn a year

Have you ever wondered how much time you waste using social networking sites during your workday? According to surveys carried out in the UK, an average Joe spends around 40 … Continue reading “Time eaters at work cost € 1.56bn a year”

We won the “Young Entrepreneur Award”

In general we share our knowledge and experiences with you without too much self promotion. This post will be an exception to that rule. Last Tuesday we won the “Young … Continue reading “We won the “Young Entrepreneur Award””

New Ubuntu Karmic Koala: The 6 features I was waiting for

Ubuntu 9.10, code name Karmic Koala, has just been released. It not only includes the usual improvements and updates but comes with a lot of new stuff. Some components of … Continue reading “New Ubuntu Karmic Koala: The 6 features I was waiting for”

Will Treehoo manage to compete with Google meanwhile saving our planet?

You might think the IT industry is a very clean one from an environmental perspective, but it’s not. In fact the IT industry and the Internet are using such an … Continue reading “Will Treehoo manage to compete with Google meanwhile saving our planet?”

8 techniques to recruit a good software developer (Part 2).

In my previous post, I started discussing the interview techniques which definitely help stimulate an open dialogue with the candidates. I described the STAR methodology which is based on behavioural … Continue reading “8 techniques to recruit a good software developer (Part 2).”