What SQL Azure looks like after getting the invitation code

Short overview about SQL Azure Management panel and features offered to free users.

Google Protocol Buffers = “think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler”

Do you need to serialize/deserlize huge amount of data in very quick and simple way? Is XML, JSON or other mechanism for serialization to slow or to heavy for you? There is a nice solution for these problems. It is called Google Protocol Buffers. If you don’t know what is it and how it works, read my post below.

Which Cloud Computing Platform is mature enough to use it?

Although I am Microsoft Developer I have to conclude that currently Google App Engine is offering more stable service. If you want to start your adventure with CLOUD, I think you should get your hands dirty with Google App Engine until Azure platform is more tested and stable.

Show what your client wants with an image

A picture is worth a thousand words and still, we express ourselves mainly in words, just like this blog post. Although many people will support the statement, we just think … Continue reading “Show what your client wants with an image”

10 things that reduce client trust to arctic zero

10 things that reduce the client trust to arctic zero

Agile development – advantages and disadvantages – Part 2

Trust is very important because it usually makes the client come back with another order later on. In waterfall approach, trust is usually on the same level from the beginning to the end of the project. In Agile development, since you keep in touch with the client, there is a risk that trust will go away much earlier. Whydoes this happen? Is waterfall approach better?

How to ruin your career with one click?

Nowadays, it’s hard to find a person who is not involved in any social network. Social networks have millions of users but only a few seriously consider the risks that these sites … Continue reading “How to ruin your career with one click?”

DO IT LIKE A PRO – Visual Studio find and replace

how to use Regular Expressions in Visual Studio Find and Replace

Grails – incredible? Be surprised!

After a short look the answer is yes. But after a little deeper digging into Groovy and Grails, I must admit that I’m simply surprised! Not only by its simplicity … Continue reading “Grails – incredible? Be surprised!”

HOW TO: manage e-mail notifications in Redmine

Redmine is a very lean and powerful web application for project management. We were is using it for managing all different client projects. Recently we realized that the email notification … Continue reading “HOW TO: manage e-mail notifications in Redmine”